
Beginner tutorials

...opying a .bin directly to Pokitto in MacOSX Finder will not work because Finder puts invisible files in the directory that corrupt the Pokit… 7. More tutorials [Tutorial][Beginner]2.Pokitto programming tutorials /c/beginners-welcome/newcomers-and-beginners/16 If you are a beginner, don't worry. Tutorials &... ...Read more >>
Easy-to-use FemtoIDE projects for different programming tutorials Blinking LED's, drawing Bitmaps, Traffic Lights, etc. more stuff coming soon. screenshot https://github.com/pokitto/ProgrammingTutorials GitHub http... ...Read more >>
...artwork 2.5. Saving your artwork 2.6. Exporting your finished artwork to a Pokitto data file EXERCISE: Draw a picture and use it in the 'draw bitmap' tutorial 3.1. Creating the artwork 3.2. Ready for Export! 3.3. Putting it together kuva 1. The basics 1.1. What are 'pixels', and where are they stored? A Pix... ...Read more >>

Intermediate tutorials

Pokitto SynthTest This demo shows how to make "ground up" sounds by directly controlling the Pokitto oscillators. Attention!: Watch your ears! If you put headphones on and max volume, it can be very loud! https://os.mbed.com/teams/Pokitto-Community-Team/code/SynthTest/ Project settings (My_settin... ...Read more >>

Advanced tutorials

NOTE : This is a little older now and the Makefile may have problems with the new PokittoLib version. These can usually be easily fixed, just expect you may encounter some issues. This is somewhat untidy how-to of my Linux CLI workflow, based on @FManga 's https://github.com/pokitto/PokittoLib/bl... ...Read more >>

C++ Language Tutorials by Community

...ing to go over this simple program, to familiarize you with the basic elements of a game program like the ones you will be building. Most programming tutorials start with such so-called 'hello world' programs, since them simply draw the words "Hello World!" on your screen. You will usually want to develop y... ...Read more >>
...last basic type of variables is the pointer, which takes 32 bits of memory. Pointers store locations of data in memory; this will be covered in later tutorials. Okay, that's all fine and dandy, but how do you use these? Well, let's make an example: I'm going to move our text cursor around the screen, and si... ...Read more >>
...is the first game? well technically its tennis for 2 but a more popular variation is called PONG #include "Pokitto.h" Pokitto::Core game; /* In this tutorial we are using fast screen mode. It means screen resolution is 110x88 playerA's buttons are UP and DOWN playerB's buttons are A and B */ //setting vari... ...Read more >>
by request i am adding this one, this is basically explaining how the math works as you might have seen in the tutorials assignment is in reverse to what you might be used to x = 10; in this your assigning x the value of 10 you can do arithmetic with these / % i hope i... ...Read more >>

5.Level 1-5, functions

  by NullMember
...any name you want. But It is good to choose name according to the job. Then inside the brackets we can declare parameters as much as we need. In this tutorial we need two parameters. Parameters looks like variables. Actually it's variables. But it's local to the function. The purpose of parameters is to all... ...Read more >>

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